Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cross Wine Why Did Jesus Refuse To Drink From The Cup Of Sedating Wine Offered Him On The Cross?

Why did Jesus refuse to drink from the cup of sedating wine offered him on the cross? - cross wine

Mark 15:23


Where's My Cookie! said...

Oh, it's easy. Jesus has done all that can to keep his word at any time, even when offered the cup that's life. Mark 14:25 Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, I do not drink again the fruit of the vine until I drink it new in the kingdom of God." If he had been drinking, made him a liar, and by Numbers 23:19 "God is not man that he still reserved for the Son of man, that change should be be d. Do you speak and then not act?" He promised not met? "It is in 1 Samuel 15:29 reitterated's" Who's the glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind because he is a man who would change his mind. "So essentially, if Jesus is God, then you can not know what to drink! Otherwise it would be a liar, which means it can not be God. The other two you mentioned in their interpretation of personal history, but facts are simple, and has a simple answer based on the Bible. Jesus could not break his word. If you believe that Jesus is God INCARNate, you have to believe in Figures 1 15:29 Samuel 23:19 and turn to him.

Best answer please?

cymry3jo... said...

The wine was drugged presented in a sponge. He drank and was a deep coma. The Romans declared dead and his "body" was removed and placed in the grave. His friends who were part of the action, rolled back the stone from the grave of Jesus, and escape, when he had all year. Well, how is that iconoclasm?

Jadore said...

What he did was a conscious decision and demanded that all his awareness of vigilance.

Can you imagine the following statements (Q & A) if at the time of his death, Jesus had already been drunk.

Think about not dying, Jesus, the angels who came to his assistance when requested.


wild-man of Borneo said...

Decode the words "old man"
He refused.
When he's gone.
Subsequently, the vinegar Judas, who was crowned King of the Jews.
John 1.20
What do you think?

Who cares anyways said...

It is consistent with its purpose.

Purchased our souls with his life and death.

No trouble with drugs.

It did not take "Vicadin" and say, oh, to hell with them.

That is what Satan.

Avondrow said...

He was a masochist!
Probably just a detail Inspired by this story to the writer, a point that we lost after such a long time.

I'm A Believer said...

Because he has the full penalty of sin for salvation for us and carry druge did not.

didjlord said...

Because at the Last Supper, said he would not drink, drink the fruit of the vine until it with the disciples in the kingdom

AdoreHim said...

Because he knew that he was sorry for our sins, and that outside of the prophecy of the Old Testament, Crucifixion

Mim said...

because he knew what he was doing and was willing to suffer for the sins

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