Saturday, January 16, 2010

Diabetic Sores My Mom Has These Sores That Look Like Diabetic Ulcers On Her Feet, But She's Not A Diabetic. What Are They?

My mom has these sores that look like diabetic ulcers on her feet, but she's not a diabetic. What are they? - diabetic sores

The rate of blood sugar is 88 and his blood work is perfect. It was terrible oozing wounds on both feet. Narrative and manages to stay on them all day work.She 's rose by 2 different doctors and they do not know what it is. You want a specialist, but she had no insurance. First came a spider bite, but since then just keep coming at your feet.


Healing Oneself said...


The body gives us 3 indicators that have an internal imbalance. Skin problems (acne, boils, etc.), mucus, and pain. He received the signal that the body wash is required. You must remove toxins from the blood to start the healing. It begins with the cleaning. In particular, intestine and liver. If the cleaning problems and how to care for it themselves.

"The body knows how to heal, you just need a little help."

Be sure to drink a liter of water per day (and I'm good), to expel the toxins and waste.

The best of health for you and your mother

vegan said...

Other diseases may be a diabetic foot ulcers. These possibilities are poor blood flow (arterial and venous), peripheral neuropathy, and ill-fitting shoes (especially the feet swell now), but there are many others (see sources below). I agree with the first poster - you see the specialist and pay. The Office may be able to develop a payment for their plan. Good luck and hope to improve soon.

sla57196... said...

The doctors have reason to seek out the necessity of another doctor, perhaps a foot doctor, but if you are in bed to keep the pressure on his feet, a pillow under your legs, good luck. Sounds like celluitis.

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